The Importance Of Education

As someone with numerous years of extensive schooling, I cannot stress the importance of education enough. My education is both responsible for my career, and my status in society as a community leader. It is the main conduit that led to the awarding of my degrees, which, allows me to be working through my occupation, which, ultimately resulted into earning financial resources. This is not to say that everyone who is educated automatically has affluence or anything of the sort; however, opportunities and earning potential are exponentially greater when educated. Being educated creates an undeniable sense of independence. The more educated an individual is, the more leverage he/she has in society; thus, leading to more opportunities to flourish. Education comes in the form of knowledge through scholastic achievement, personal achievement, and just being in the know about anything important. For further tips on balancing part-time jobs or internships with academic responsibilities, you can check out this article at

Knowledge builds confidence.

Confidence resides in an individual’s own sense of worth. Having more education helps individuals know substance in particular areas which helps to increase their self-image. Having an increased self-image makes individuals confident that they can powerfully operate in society.

Knowledge builds respect.

The public respects people who are educated far more than they do the ignorant. I’m not saying that there should be preferential treatment in humans of different educational backgrounds. However, the fact of the matter is that the public is both consciously and unconsciously more respectful towards those who are educated.

Knowledge builds sensibility.

Having education builds mental awareness that prevents people from being duped. The more knowledgeable an individual is overall, the less likely he/she is to be fooled by those looking for prey in any situation. Knowledge rides on cognizance and keenness, and negates naivete.

Although the cliché is for individuals to “not be a fool, stay in school,” one can seek many opportunities to learn far from the classroom setting. Personally, I feel that formal education is indeed essential, but self-education is even more imperative. The reason being is that one can be well-educated without collegiate degrees. If you don’t already know how to, learn how to self-learn!

Moreover, what’s often taught in school settings are often just the basic foundations required to begin experimenting with respective content material. It is up to the learner to continue to dig deeper and further educate himself or herself passed the base level. Being that I’ve gone through three years of doctorate level education; believe it or not, it still only supplied me with basic knowledge required for entry-level practice as a Doctor of Physical Therapy. This is the main reason why health practitioner alliances and organizations have a heavy push for continuing education courses. This theory can be said about various educational programs. Hence, it is of the essence to keep learning by any means necessary.

My message to my readers is to despise complacency. One should never be satisfied with current amount of knowledge no matter how smart an individual may think he/she is. There’s always room for improvement! As a society, we should always seek new opportunities to grow through learning. In this game of life, things are continuously evolving and changing by the minute. We are life-long learners not by will, but by nature. Do not be the uninformed and uninitiated. Education is what has made me who I am, and continues to be the propeller for continued personal achievement.

Knowledge Is Power

Reading Is Fundamental

One thought on “The Importance Of Education

  1. Very true. I believe the same. I am a lover of books and education, especially self help books that teaches me additional skills that compliment those I acquired in University. Humans were created to always keep learning, and develop skills to help themselves and others. But especially about their Creator, and therefore it is the Highest Education we can get, for no matter how well educated a person is through college or universities, but they are still full of hatred, malice, nothing comes out of their mouth but obscene language and no love for other humans, no morals etc,. And they even don’t know the purpose of Life, why we are here, where are we going why some people are so wicked, they become like animals with no hope and live for nothing but to die and go back to the earth. Look how many well educated people are falling from grace just because of failing to learn and do things God’s Way. Studying the Bible has been my way of life from childhood, and I spend many years sharing its information and teaching others what it says to people all over. It discusses everything we need to know and answers all the questions we wonder about. To request a free examination of this Book which is written by our Creator Himself through Prophets that He used, you can go to and request one, or just teach yourself the outlined course on the website yourself until you’re ready to ask for a free study. Or talk to me.

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