
The Sources Of My Motivation


As the terminal hour of my birthday winds down today (December 1st), I would like to give somewhat more of a personal blog entry. A birthday is a celebration of one’s life. What I like to do annually on my day is to reflect on my past, present, and future. Naturally, I consider where I’ve been, where I am, and where I want to go. Where I’ve been cannot be changed; nonetheless, where I am and where I want to go can be altered by one key phrase: motivation.

What motivates me…

Well, a lot. To be concise, I’ll focus on 3-4 main motivators.

  1. The most influential source of my ambition for change stems from the power of independence. Self-made, self-sufficient, self-dependent. Three synonymous adjectives that I like to identify myself with. This notion has been the main vehicle that has been driving my ambition since my primitive years, and continues to consistently aid in my daily pursuit of the best version of me. I like being able to provide for self. Not only does this allow me to do whatever I please, but it affords me the strength to extend a helping hand. The strength formed from being self-sufficient gives me the stability to be able to help support the next man who may not be as virile. This is one of the main reasons why I periodically engage in acts of altruism and good-will.

  2. My ambition has led me to various personal achievements. My past accomplishments are a direct result of my HUNGER. Furthermore, my hunger forces me to continue to seek opportunities for future improvement. I have an insatiable hunger for progress. I’m a firm NON-believer in complacency. Not just for me, but for EVERYONE. There’s always room for growth. There’s always room for betterment irrespective of an individual’s particular walk of life. Why settle for good when you can be great? Wise individuals understand that to live is to learn. We are life-long learners; however, not by choice, but by mere existence. Learning will only cease when you decease. Your job, my job, his job, her job is to exceed your own personal expectations and ALWAYS continue to grow and learn.

  3. In addition, my spiritual belief in a Higher Power plays a governing role. I feel that I was put on Earth for a definitive purpose, and I’m doing my best to fulfill that intention day-by-day. Personally, I try to make righteous decisions with others according to the will of my Supreme Being. It’s all about altruism. Selfless acts of philanthropy. Hence, my go-to phrase/name: Altruism. All True Is Him. All True Is Me…

Lastly, I have found certain experiences in my interactions with others to be humbling, yet motivating. Even though I do make a valiant effort to inspire and motivate others to maximize their potential, it’s humbling when I’m told that I’m one of their sources of inspiration. Personally, I get an abundance of personal motivation from others who express their gratitude for services that I’ve rendered at my job, Duffy & Bracken PT; and/or, for the role that I’ve played in their lives no matter how substantial. The constant cloud of humility around me makes me feel flabbergasted when someone tells me that I inspire him or her. I’ve been hearing it more often nowadays, and it still registers as a surprise every-time. Who would have thought? Little old me. Interestingly enough, I’m here to let everyone who’s reading this know that if I motivate you, trust and believe, you motivate me. You motivate me to keep pushing. It keeps my persistence in perspective. Contrary to some belief, I am human, and am sometimes clouded by numerous general deterrents. However, all I need is for someone to tell me that I’m an inspiration. Those words alone suffice for me to bounce from whatever current potential struggle(s) that may persist. I appreciate all the love that I get, and I’m always more than happy to help whomever and whenever.

“True greatness is found in serving other individuals. If you want to be considered great, take the posture of a servant.”

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