Triage, Translate, Transmit Meds -- Haiti 2012



I will be traveling to Haiti to provide clinical care on May 20-29, 2016. If you would like to know more information and perhaps even support me on this journey, please click the following link:

Click Here To Support My Campaign



Scrubs On, At The Crack Of Dawn, With Focused Vision Prior To A Work Day While In Haiti 2012

Clifford has volunteered in numerous programs and functions both locally and internationally throughout the years to help the  raise community awareness. Clifford is a strong proponent of the betterment of the community and consistently aids to help the foundation of others. His numerous volunteer work can be found below.

  • Volunteered at numerous basketball camps for the youth in Brooklyn, NY (2011 – Current)
  • Planting and Teaching Garden Growth to Elementary Students (2012)
  • Educating High School Students on Production and Benefits of Drinking Green Smoothies (2012)
  • Volunteered in a medical mission trip to Haiti assisting in Triage, Wound Care, Gait Assessments and Training (2012) 

Finger Pricking A Patient To Centrifuge And Assess Patient’s Blood Components – Haiti 2012

  • Lectured high school students on choosing career paths in allied health professions. (2013)
  • Volunteered and gave free Physical Therapy treatments at The “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer” Walk in Brooklyn, NY (Oct 2014)

    Breast Cancer PT

    Performing A Pro Bono Physical Therapy Treatment For A Breast Cancer Survivor At The “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk” Oct 2014 – Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY

  • Volunteered as part of the Medical Team at TCS NYC Marathon (Nov 2014)


    Performing A Soleus Muscle Release For A Runner With An Acute Calf Spasm


    Assessing The Potential Need For Medical Assistance As The 2014 NYC Marathon Runners Go By


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