
The “Magic” of Physical Therapy


Physical therapy (PT) can deliver positive thoughts into motion when summoned. One popular aspect is when the beneficial outcome surrounding a successful PT encounter is mutually celebrated by all parties involved. However, sometimes there seems to be a general disconnect on the understanding of what makes a fruitful PT experience actually successful. After speaking with several patients and the general public, it seems that there’s an abundance of confusion as to what physical therapy actually is and how it tends to work its “magic.”

Throughout my frequent long days of working in an outpatient PT facility, I often hear patients erroneously utter the words “fix me” in various ways. Poor phrases tend to circulate the clinical atmosphere such as: “I need you to fix me.” “Thanks for fixing me.” “You fixed me, but I managed to screw it up again.” I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but love to be the presenter of truth. The truth is that the aforementioned sayings are all misnomers and highlight an unfortunate epidemic plaguing the world of physical rehabilitation. This epidemic primarily relates to passiveness of patients in their rehab process, as for people in alcohol rehab the use of services online is the best choice, click here to learn more. You should also keep in mind that mixing alcohol with meds could be deadly. If you’re wondering, paracetamol and alcohol how long to wait?The recommended wait time for taking paracetamol after moderate alcohol consumption is at least 24 hours.

Contrary to popular belief, physical therapists don’t really fix people. It’s not a therapist’s job to fix anyone, nor do therapists possess the superhuman qualities to fix anyone. What therapists actually do is coach. What we actually are, are coaches. We are health coaches, bio-mechanic coaches, musculo-skeletal coaches that develop a patient-specific plan of care consisting of various treatment techniques and therapeutic exercise to help restore functionality. The reason why it comes off as a “fix” is because when physical therapy is performed correctly to a treatable case, it allows for the augmentation of function and reduction/elimination of symptoms. We make people feel better, but we do not fix people. We provide the tools to help people fix themselves, whether it’s through physical therapy, or alternative methods like CBD and sleep. These tools allow patients to be active participants in their rehab process and not passive mummies that view PT to that of a spa treatment. We provide the program, we provide encouragement, we provide help. Work is required for both parties involved. That is the fix, that is the magic. However, magic only happens when each party owns up to their role in the game. It is through this format, that therapists afford patients the ability to help fix themselves.

Now, it is quite true that there are many useful techniques (manual, instrument-assisted, or modality treatment) employed by a PT that seem magical but are impossible to be duplicated by a patient. Although these therapist-applied treatments are beneficial, the true magic is formed when patients follow the therapist-scripted blueprint on how to keep those results attained from whatever the PT is solely capable of providing. What may feel like a fix will be disappointingly short-lived if active participation is neglected on the patient’s part. The true magic of physical therapy is centered around the human experience and not from any form of spellbinding magical PT prowess in any case. Physical therapy uses the skill of the therapist combined with the wants and needs of the patient to bring the best attainable results possible. Active engagement is 100% required for all. Physical therapy may seem magical, but only due to all the unspoken intangibles involved around when humans interact together positively. Great communication and being on the same page highlight the true magic of physical therapy. Physical therapy is individualistic. It’s altruistic. It’s an art. 

Musculoskeletal System

I Love What I Do!

Musculoskeletal System

I am often queried by patients and clients alike as to what led me to my career choice. I often answer, “Well, because it’s one of the top prizewinning career choices out there.” I am grounded by this belief for several reasons. Every working day, I’m humbled to be a licensed and practicing clinician whose job is fulfilling and rewarding. Being blessed with skill, opportunity, and passion to help others convalesce really penetrates at the core of being humane. Physical therapy combines many distinct, but related aspects — it’s medical, scientific, pedagogical, compassionate, restorative, preventive, physically and psycho-socially therapeutic, but most importantly – it’s altruistic. To clear up any confusion from the public and simultaneously exemplify my love for my career, the following paragraphs will shed some light on the responsibilities of a physical therapist.

What do physical therapists do?

Physical therapists (PT/PTs) are known as musculoskeletal experts. The musculoskeletal system is the umbrella term to define one holistic system that couples the entire muscular system and skeletal system with all inter-playing constituents. The branch of science related to the ins and outs of the musculoskeletal system is orthopedics. The musculoskeletal system, under the governing influence of the central nervous system (brain), is responsible for stability, mobility, and locomotion of the body. PTs are well known for our knowledge of locomotion, better known as movement of the musculoskeletal system.

We know how to assess proper, functional physiological movement throughout the body, and, conversely, know how to diagnose improper, dysfunctional and pathological movement. When dysfunction of any movement is found, we are equipped with the necessary skill set to treat the dysfunction. The dysfunction can be secondary to any underlying musculoskeletal pathology (past or present) and/or any aberrant movement pattern (pain-free or painful). Once assessment has been completed, we treat the condition through the use of various creative corrective movement patterns and corrective exercises. Since, for the most part, humans are not static creatures that remain idle all day, it’s safe for my readers to assume that it’s quite essential to know how to move properly to minimize or eliminate pain, injury, and any dysfunction that may progress over time if left untreated. If you are a living and moving human (no matter the degree of movement), a skilled physical therapist can definitely help you in more ways than one. We help people move better, operate better, feel better, feel stronger, and feel healthier.

Question of all time: Are you a doctor?

Yes, I am – Dr. Clifford Civil. I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy. A Doctor of Physical Therapy is a doctor of the musculoskeletal system, and all that is found within. We diagnose and treat patients within our scope of practice. We also diagnose and refer patients out to other doctors when evaluation has determined that their symptoms/pathology is of systemic origin and not related to musculoskeletal dysfunction. We work closely with orthopedic surgeons (doctors who perform surgeries for multiple musculoskeletal disorders), physiatrists (doctors who hone in on physical medicine and rehabilitation), and orthopedists (doctors of the musculoskeletal system who CAN prescribe medication). Although I don’t perform surgeries or prescribe pharmacological medicine, what I do prescribe are techniques and exercises to restore functionality. These techniques teach patients/clients how to get stronger, move more efficiently, and use their bodies as fully functional systems. I teach patients/clients that exercise trumps all as the best single form of medicine.

Just as there are many branches of medicine, one can assume that there are many areas of physical therapy practice. There are various specialties and sub-areas that a PT can venture in other than orthopedics, such as: cardiovascular and pulmonary, neurology, and women’s health, among others. Interestingly, many of these sub-areas and specialties carry some form or degree of musculoskeletal implication when their respective systems are pathological. For instance, a patient who has had cardiac/pulmonary surgery can benefit from movement and posture fixations that will help better position accessory respiratory muscles to help with breathing. A neurologic patient can benefit from neuromuscular rehabilitation exercises, which couples musculoskeletal movement with brain function, since the brain is the central command center for all movement. Women’s health therapists use knowledge of the anatomic and physiologic pelvic girdle and its association with genitourinary parts to help address limitations. These are just a few examples, but the idea can often be extrapolated to include different and unique instances. In my humble opinion, as a physical therapist, regardless of which sector of physical therapy one may work, one is never completely void of orthopedics – and the never-to-be-forsaken musculoskeletal system.

The depth of the realm of pedagogy surrounding physical therapy is sometimes wrongfully neglected or significantly limited by some. One of the biggest responsibilities of a physical therapist is to educate patients/clients. We educate patients on pathology/injury (general background info), all findings from evaluation (individual assessment), and the plan of care (individual treatment course). It’s our job to make sure the patient knows what’s going on, and what we as a team (therapist and patient) will be doing to help foster positive results. It’s of the essence for them to be on board with the plan. I find that once patients are empowered with knowledge, their compliance with PT tends to conjointly be empowered. We educate patients on the need for compliance with the current plan of care including: keeping up with appointments, keeping up with corrective home exercise program, and limiting whatever may have been agreed upon as a deterring factor for progress with the PT plan of care. Keeping constant communication with the patient during appointments, and via email/phone when not meeting one other is vital to the success of the program.

Ultimately, any physical therapy plan of care is centered around one central theme: function. It is our ultimate duty to restore patients back to their prior level of function (PLOF) provided that their injury/pathology doesn’t compromise their ability to return to their PLOF. After gathering all the subjective information during the initial evaluation with a patient, the last question should be related to the patient’s goals and objective outcomes for treatment. The patient with a rotator cuff surgery wants to be able to reach overhead and behind his/her back independently to achieve their activities of daily living. The post-operative knee patient wants to be able to return back to bicycling. Athletes want to return back to sport pain-free. Whatever the patient’s goal is, it is our job as PTs to facilitate it, within the constraints of physical therapy of course.

Lastly, one of the premier appealing aspects of physical therapy is that it is an artful science that continues to evolve. As research continues and significant findings come to surface, clinicians such as myself continue to learn more by day. My latest learning from readings and continued education courses have been based on movement. It’s truly amazing how we can train or re-train the neuromuscular system to work and control movement to not only restore, but to even advance function passed our norm. I am a huge advocate for PT. I am passionate about my career and will make continued efforts to grow as a clinician to help people the most efficient way that I can. At the end of the work day, it all zeroes in on patient care, how I’ve helped someone in need, and the rewarding feeling of seeing someone significantly progress. There’s no dollar value that can compare.


Spread Love, It’s The Brooklyn Way


Today is February 14th, a day of significance for two primary reasons:

1.) It is Valentine’s Day, a day centered around love. The day is commonly celebrated through heartfelt demonstrative acts of compassion and kindness to others.

2.) Furthermore, the 14th also marks the midway point of February, the month designated as Black History Month. Every February, America celebrates the African-American pioneers and other notables who have made successful contributions to the country’s history through equal rights movements, noteworthy breakthroughs, and innovations.

As I dwell on the aforementioned significance of today, I realize that there is a scarcity of genuine love in our world. It’s unfortunate, but there is a strong prevalence of hate circling around from various angles. Several factors lead me to this belief. Therefore, I’m taking it upon myself to commemorate this day by combining it’s true essence and meaning in a heartfelt message to my readers.

One of America’s continuous plaguing issues is discrimination, whether it’s blatant or hidden. The discrimination that I’m describing is based off differences amongst people. I am referring to differences of race, culture, sex, social status, and/or sexual orientation to name a few. Rhetorically speaking, what purpose does this serve? I’m confounded at the notion of harboring negative feelings for something/someone solely based off the differences mentioned earlier. It’s truly a problem that we as a society let our petty differences separate us from each other. In an ideal world, we should be embracing each other and APPRECIATING the subtle differences, not rebuking them. The conversion of a world with humans of various heterogeneous origins into a single homogeneous common culture is and should always be a common goal.

New York City is one of the best places in the world, largely due to it being revered as a melting pot. I live in Brooklyn, the most populated and the most culturally diverse borough in NYC. Among other likeable factors, I love it for that very reason, and my continued residency is largely due to it’s diverse nature. Living in NYC has expounded my knowledge and appreciation for all humans regardless of origin. An interesting topic that I’ve given recent notice to is the different genetic, cultural, and racial mixtures of people. There are various instances where we find people with different races and shades that have identical ethnicities. Similarly, there are those within the same race that have different ethnicities. Not to mention, there are an abundance of people who are of multiracial origin. The list of variety goes on. My point is that a vast majority of us have some degree of mixing. There is so much ancestry and history behind people that a lot of us fail to realize it’s depth and significance. How much chronology do we actually know about our individual origin? Everyone’s knowledge about their origin will always be somewhat limited and those that think they know fully, probably don’t even know the half. My mission is to create unison. We should all do ourselves a favor and love who we are and others equally.

I find that a common way to create unison is through music. Music has an inherent, powerful way of linking people together across the board. I am a lover of music, and I enjoy many different genres. Music is a form of expression through acoustics where the musician creates a story that the listener applies his/her perception to. It is indirect rhythmical communication. Ironically, sometimes you don’t even have to understand the language to perceive what’s being verbally communicated. It is through communication that we can begin to learn how to be unified.

As a community representative of Brooklyn, I wish to be the figure that people can mirror regarding spreading love and having compassion for all. My message to my readers is to spread love. Find creative or indirect ways to do so if you can’t do it directly for whatever deterring reason. Take it upon yourself to do random acts of kindness to any and every one without expectation of reciprocation. Live by these key words: love, loyalty, honesty, and righteousness. Do right by yourself by doing right by others even if there has been a fault committed by the other party. Realistically, I know it’s an overwhelming task to turn the other cheek, and even more so when you feel like you’re being chastised. However, acts of good-will, such as forgiveness and empathy, are needed if any positive change will be made for a better future for mankind. As the cliché goes, an eye for an eye makes us both blind. For successful change to occur, it has to start with us, with our people, ALL people, our whole community.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”   – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. –

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Don’t Be Stupid…

A few weeks ago, I wrote a piece promoting the Importance of Education. With that in mind, today I’m going to further that with another blog to drive home an identical point. The point that I’m going to stress is to be smart, don’t be stupid. Considering that there are a multitude of ways to be stupid, I’m going to focus on stupid’s closely related cousin which is ignorance. Furthermore, I will ultimately hone in on how said ignorance may lead to less than favorable outcomes in medical care.

To reiterate a crucial element from my previous blog, knowledge builds sensibility. Having good sensibility creates keen consciousness. When an individual is “in the know” about things, it negates the potential for manipulation. In order to lessen the frequency or degree of manipulation, one must be equipped with knowledge. You get this knowledge from learning either through formal schooling, or through self education via reading informative pieces, watching educational videos, and/or listening to enlightening audio via podcasts or social interaction.

As a medical professional, I often oversee incorrect, incomplete, and less-than-ideal practice habits. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of baloney that goes on in healthcare including: needless surgeries, needless or excess treatments, insufficient treatments and the list goes on. For example, some orthopedic surgeons are known to be “knife-happy” performing surgeries that are not required and provide no added benefit to the patient. Some patients receive incomplete care from physical therapists due to the therapists’ indifference or incompetence, either of the two. If the patient him or herself is also either incompetent or indifferent, then continued treatment will be of little or no avail.

If the aforementioned isn’t convincing enough, I’ll leave my readers with a brief story from a personal account. I recently went to a local dental office for cavity fillings. Since I had multiple fillings (4) to perform, please don’t judge, I scheduled half on one weekend and left the remainder of the dental work to be completed at a subsequent appointment just one week later. While simultaneously speaking to the dentist and viewing my current (same day) X-ray at my subsequent appointment, I noticed a site of lingering tooth decay on a tooth that was already “addressed” at my previous appointment. When I brought it up to the dentist, he called another dentist in for a second opinion (baloney tactics, rest assured he knew quite well it needed further work) who confirmed that the spot indeed needed another filling. I told him that the extra filling will be undoubtedly complimentary, since he neglected it at the prior appointment, and it would’ve remained the same had I not pointed it out. If it wasn’t for a keen eye and knowledge on how pathology looks on an X-ray, I wouldn’t have been able to get the quality FULL care that I deserve. Identical sequences like this go on daily, but sadly not everyone recognizes it.

The point that I’m trying to make is to do your homework ladies and gentlemen. That can be said with all walks of life, but when it comes to health and medical care, it’s YOUR body. Don’t be too trusting of all healthcare providers. Make your healthcare providers thoroughly explain the pathology and what solutions they are advising and providing. You have a right to question any and all. Any good healthcare provider will gladly explain to you so that you completely understand. That is, of course, only if you don’t ask the same already-answered question over and over and over again. Find out what’s wrong, do your research, and seek different opinions if need be. It’s a new year, be in the know! Your livelihood and quality of life depend on it. Ignorance is self-destruction. Ignorance leads to manipulation, and conscious or unconscious negligence. On the other hand, being abreast and knowledgeable about certain things equips one with the necessary tools to fire back at any bull-stuff. Don’t be ignorant, don’t settle, and don’t be stupid.


The Importance Of Education

As someone with numerous years of extensive schooling, I cannot stress the importance of education enough. My education is both responsible for my career, and my status in society as a community leader. It is the main conduit that led to the awarding of my degrees, which, allows me to be working through my occupation, which, ultimately resulted into earning financial resources. This is not to say that everyone who is educated automatically has affluence or anything of the sort; however, opportunities and earning potential are exponentially greater when educated. Being educated creates an undeniable sense of independence. The more educated an individual is, the more leverage he/she has in society; thus, leading to more opportunities to flourish. Education comes in the form of knowledge through scholastic achievement, personal achievement, and just being in the know about anything important. For further tips on balancing part-time jobs or internships with academic responsibilities, you can check out this article at

Knowledge builds confidence.

Confidence resides in an individual’s own sense of worth. Having more education helps individuals know substance in particular areas which helps to increase their self-image. Having an increased self-image makes individuals confident that they can powerfully operate in society.

Knowledge builds respect.

The public respects people who are educated far more than they do the ignorant. I’m not saying that there should be preferential treatment in humans of different educational backgrounds. However, the fact of the matter is that the public is both consciously and unconsciously more respectful towards those who are educated.

Knowledge builds sensibility.

Having education builds mental awareness that prevents people from being duped. The more knowledgeable an individual is overall, the less likely he/she is to be fooled by those looking for prey in any situation. Knowledge rides on cognizance and keenness, and negates naivete.

Although the cliché is for individuals to “not be a fool, stay in school,” one can seek many opportunities to learn far from the classroom setting. Personally, I feel that formal education is indeed essential, but self-education is even more imperative. The reason being is that one can be well-educated without collegiate degrees. If you don’t already know how to, learn how to self-learn!

Moreover, what’s often taught in school settings are often just the basic foundations required to begin experimenting with respective content material. It is up to the learner to continue to dig deeper and further educate himself or herself passed the base level. Being that I’ve gone through three years of doctorate level education; believe it or not, it still only supplied me with basic knowledge required for entry-level practice as a Doctor of Physical Therapy. This is the main reason why health practitioner alliances and organizations have a heavy push for continuing education courses. This theory can be said about various educational programs. Hence, it is of the essence to keep learning by any means necessary.

My message to my readers is to despise complacency. One should never be satisfied with current amount of knowledge no matter how smart an individual may think he/she is. There’s always room for improvement! As a society, we should always seek new opportunities to grow through learning. In this game of life, things are continuously evolving and changing by the minute. We are life-long learners not by will, but by nature. Do not be the uninformed and uninitiated. Education is what has made me who I am, and continues to be the propeller for continued personal achievement.

Knowledge Is Power

Reading Is Fundamental


The Gift Of Giving

Dr. Martin Luther King once stated that “every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or destructive selfishness.” This is unequivocally one of the most meaningful quotes to me by and large. This saying has captivated me to such a degree that I have chosen to conform my professionalism around this very concept. Hence, I have affixed it as the introductory statement on my website’s homepage. I define myself through creative altruism. What that means is that I find creative ways to be selfless that are mostly direct, but often times indirect as well. It is the mere act of giving in one way or another. Why do I do it? Well, I give for two main reasons. First, the sense of satisfaction attained with selfless acts is priceless. The gratitude that people show once you help them fuels my altruistic vehicle. Second, there is power in generosity. Undeniable power.


Throughout the years, I have contributed in multiple events with different organizations providing charitable services while donating funds and time. You can find more information on specifics on the respective page on my site titled Altruism. Moreover, I’m a registered volunteer with NewYorkCares.Org, which serves as a source hosting numerous events throughout the great city of New York helping those in need. Every month (sometimes twice a month), I participate, volunteer, and/or donate in some charitable event for some organization for the betterment of the public at large. If you’re thinking about running your own event, you can click here for speaker system rental to give the best experience for all your attendees.


As a healthcare provider, I extend courtesy, often times beyond my call of duty, for the contentment of my clients. There are many clinicians who give bare minimum treatment or generalized service that fits well within expectations of clients. My clinical approach is to offer an experience different from what’s accustomed. Whether it’s accepting tardiness, working within my personal off-hour times (breaks included), or making courteous accommodations, I strive to exceed expectations. The aforementioned are just a few of many creative ways that I introduce altruism into the lives of others.

There is an overall joy sensed by both parties when someone gives something to another regardless if it’s time, money, care, or a gift. There is an aura of positivity flowing that everyone benefits from. Personally, giving makes me feel 100% whole as a being. As follows, my name on social media applications, All|True|Is|Him, is wordplay of the term Altruism. The power of generosity is boundless. It’s good-will, it’s humane, it’s everything. As humans, we should seize more opportunities to pay deeds forward. If not for the internal sense of goodness felt after, then do it for the good karma that often has a way of returning.

As boldly stated in my homepage, life’s most persistent and urgent question is “what are you doing for others?” The purpose behind this article is to not be self-congratulatory, but to educate others on the benefits of being more selfless. I have successfully chosen to walk in the light of creative altruism a while ago, never looked back, and don’t plan on doing so.


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The Creation Of Customer Loyalty

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As a service provider, I follow specific guidelines and factors that I’ve personally put on the forefront to promote client satisfaction. The fruitfulness of great services lie within certain factors that must be demonstrated by the respective service provider. Although I’m employed as a healthcare provider and deliver services for the physical betterment of clients, I believe these same guidelines can be applied for all businesses rendering any type of direct service to clientele. These factors are undoubtedly great for business because they are centered on the act of client retention and loyalty. Not only does this enhance profitability, but it also holds your services to a higher standard. These said factors will be highlighted in the upcoming paragraphs.


First and foremost, as we all know or should know, good communication serves as the foundation of ALL functional relationships. Clients and providers should have an open dialogue with interactive discussions centered around the service provided. This communication should be direct via face-to-face conversations, emails, text messages, and/or courtesy calls. Moreover, having great listening skills nowadays is somewhat of a lost art. Service providers should actively listen to their clients, and the clients should do the same in return. Let clients know what to expect, and listen to their subjective thoughts regarding services. In the realm of physical therapy, I introduce the plan of care from day one and continue to keep an open communication forum with my clients until they are discharged from my care. In addition, ascertain objective results and explain to the patient what’s going on based off concrete impartial evidence. Listen to their personal stories if offered and let them vent if needed. It helps put them at ease to talk things through with someone. Some of my clients refer to me as “hands and ears” due to the manual services that I provide and my attentive listening.


Service providers should demonstrate a sense of liability with the result of their services. Services should meet the objectives that they’re expected to meet. Moreover, if the fruitfulness of the services is contingent upon certain compliancy factors from the client; then, the clients hold a sense of accountability as well. In the realm of physical therapy, clients MUST be compliant with their Home Exercise Programs (HEP) in order to augment the productivity of the care delivered by the physical therapist. To that end, clients must be performing their prescribed exercise routine to maximize the potential of the entire therapeutic program. Service providers and clients must be accountable for their respective roles to maximize potential.


Education of clients should never be neglected. To better connect with the client and foster customer loyalty, clients must be informed of what they’re lacking. Moreover, providers must educate their clients as to what their services will provide to supplement whatever deficiencies present. Physical therapists should seek to educate clients on specific anatomy and physiology concerning the patient’s diagnosis, as well as, educate them on the present pathophysiology leading the clients to seek care. Physical therapists should also be giving health and wellness guidelines to patients who are approaching the end of their treatment regimen. I always educate patients on the benefits of exercise to prevent health-related illness, and to transition the client to a healthier lifestyle. Last but not least, providers should educate themselves with enough competence to educate their respective parties. No one respects the uninformed nor the uninitiated.


It goes without say that providers should show great solicitude regarding their client’s success with the services provided. Physical therapists should care about client’s convalescence such as: the duration required for full recovery, the amount of ease/difficulty present, and any current limitations. In the event of any confusion, providers should seek second opinions from colleagues within the same field, or even from other healthcare providers involved in the case. Physical therapists should exercise due diligence in researching and problem solving. Collectively, providers should strive to make clients feel as though they are just as invested in their progress as the clients are.


Don’t run a procession line where every client is doing remotely the same thing as another client. If you’re in a business where you can modify your services to bring about any sense of individualization to your market, then you better utilize that extra feature. Physical therapists have the ability to individualize sessions. Do so! Every client is NOT the same, even those with similar or same diagnoses. Therapists should create appropriate challenges without killing the client on one end of the spectrum, or without boring them on the other end. Personally, I create routines that will have patients working in the neighborhood of 60-75% of their individual maximal threshold. Humans tend to appreciate distinctiveness. Message to providers: show your distinctiveness by creating distinctiveness.


Another closely related concept to individualization, creativity is a feature that providers must demonstrate. In order to individualize services, providers must show the ability to be resourceful and clever. Ingenious acts resonate in the minds of consumers. Therefore, one must showcase his/her personal style with innovation. Dare to be different. Don’t provide mundane service. Research everything to analyze why you’re doing something a particular way, and think abstractly about different ways to achieve the same goal using alternative routes.


This is by far my favorite concept. Question: What is a better way to create consumer loyalty other than courteous acts? I don’t think there is any more potent way. To that end, providers should be considerate to their clients in every sense of the word. Spend extra time making sure of the client’s comfortability. Providers should do their best to accept client tardiness here and there, just as long as it is not a continued practice. If the opportunity and means allow, I recommend performing periodic pro bono acts; or perhaps, giving certain products/services gratis. Quality service is immeasurable! People should always strive for quality over quantity. It is more ethical, and certain business research models advocate that it’s more profitable in the long run. Essentially, you can earn more through the retention of clients rather than the cycle of continuous gain/loss of new clients. Courteous acts increases overall gain for everyone.

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Providers should seek all opportunities to go beyond the expectations of their clients. A provider’s ability to retain loyal consumers is indeed related to the actual service provided, but it is more so related to the way the services are provided. People always remember how you make them feel. Providers should aim to make an imprint. Imprints create loyalty. Don’t let yourself be just another provider. Change lives and make clients remember you. These factors are the foundation behind my frequently used hashtag, #ServiceBeyondService. I created this hashtag to illustrate that I provide service beyond just regular service. I invest in my clients and they, in turn, invest in me. I seek all opportunities to go the extra mile. All providers should do the same. Follow these guidelines, and rest assured your clients will always stay true to you.

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On The Podium Sharing My Thoughts

The Cultivation Of Change

In light of the recent turmoil and backlash going on currently, as a community leader and youth counselor, I’m taking it upon myself to share my thoughts on preventative measures to try to avoid mishaps. Yes, I am referring directly to the news of the failure of grand jury indictment of the 2 police officers involved in the Mike Brown/Ferguson case and the Eric Garner/Staten Island case. Nevertheless, there are two things that this post WON’T be reflecting.

  • I’m not going to argue over the innocence/guilt of either party in the two cases.
  • Nor am I going to cry about the feelings of injustice of the legal system.

Although I don’t want to come across to my readers as a cynic; personally, the protesting and outcries will prove minimal if anything at all. I don’t feel the need to go out in the cold and protest. What does that really accomplish? That’s not going to get the authorizing people to change their opinions about their choice of action, or lack of action, rather, to keep things in perspective. If anything, less-than-peaceful riots have the potential of contributing to more unfortunate situations. Don’t get me wrong, I do understand why protestors feel as strongly as they do; but, I just don’t feel that’s the course of action that will cultivate desired change. Now, keep in mind that I can’t offer the exact algorithm that will cultivate change revolving police brutality; especially, since this has been an area that has been plaguing America for decades. However, I can offer something that may help prevent these cases of police aggressiveness and brutality from occurring in the first place. If the police department’s objective is to protect and serve, let us as a community take it upon ourselves to prevent and survive.

Police officers are authoritative figures of the community. They do not like their authority compromised by any means, clearly. Men are authoritative figures by nature. They do not want their own authority over self compromised by any means, clearly. When you have two beings that exude authority, power struggles and clashes occur. These clashes begin verbally and, if not mitigated, often grow to physical encounters. Hence, the violent outbreaks resulting in the untimely deaths of Mike Brown and Eric Garner.

As a virile man, I know all-to-well, the essence of the leading qualities of presumed manliness. It is the machismo, pride, and testosterone that cause a lot of men to not want to surrender to the will of an officer. This is especially true when they subjectively feel that they’re being chastised while innocent. It is a tough and difficult pill to swallow, but I’m going to stress that you swallow it. Swallow your pride gentlemen. In my view, when a man is approached by an officer, you’re taking a “loss” regardless. Why not just obey and take the minimal loss, as opposed to fighting back and taking a bigger loss. Unfortunately, sometimes this “loss” is an actual loss of life as in these two cases. In both cases, the two civilians resisted/struggled with the officers. I’m not stating that the officers were justified in their actions to confront/arrest; nor, am I saying that the civilians were justified in their unwillingness to conform. What I am saying to the civilians is to comply and NOT resist. Any act of insubordination will cause the officer to enforce his authority more vigorously. You’re fighting a losing battle either way.

Take it from me. Whenever I get pulled over for a supposed traffic violation, I don’t argue. In fact, I barely say a word. No acts of belligerence needed. Make it easy on yourself, and do as they say. You have the right to remain silent, exercise that right. If you deem it necessary to question, do so in a non-confrontational manner. I understand that your dignity and sense of right/wrong won’t allow you to passively back down, but, one key concept that people should learn is to be a master at your emotions. Anger is an emotion that is almost always counterproductive. Learn how to control your emotions, especially anger. Action based on emotion is guaranteed to be regretful. Tactful, cerebral strategy should be your propeller of action, and not momentary, adrenaline-filled, emotional responsiveness.

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Image Courtesy Of

Now, I do know that every situation is different. I am aware of instances where there wasn’t any verbal encounter prior to an abrupt action happening. On the other hand, I’m only focusing on the most recent uproar stemming from the two aforementioned cases. Also, I do realize that police brutality/aggressiveness is not only restricted to male officers against male civilians. These situations happen female-to-female or female-to-male and vice verse. Once again, I’m just focusing on the more prevalent situations.

As a community outreach leader and public speaker, I try to educate people to exercise caution and always think before acting. There are better and more strategic ways to solve deemed problems. We must start educating ourselves in the community on proper ways to address issues. We must first begin inside, and outsource the energy outside for significant change to occur. Until then, we as a community, need to do better at preventing ourselves from the unfavorable. Make those who are “above” you feel in power at all times, and you won’t inspire any fear, insecurity, or unnecessary violence. Feel free to comment below.

On The Podium Sharing My Thoughts

On The Podium Sharing My Thoughts



The Sources Of My Motivation


As the terminal hour of my birthday winds down today (December 1st), I would like to give somewhat more of a personal blog entry. A birthday is a celebration of one’s life. What I like to do annually on my day is to reflect on my past, present, and future. Naturally, I consider where I’ve been, where I am, and where I want to go. Where I’ve been cannot be changed; nonetheless, where I am and where I want to go can be altered by one key phrase: motivation.

What motivates me…

Well, a lot. To be concise, I’ll focus on 3-4 main motivators.

  1. The most influential source of my ambition for change stems from the power of independence. Self-made, self-sufficient, self-dependent. Three synonymous adjectives that I like to identify myself with. This notion has been the main vehicle that has been driving my ambition since my primitive years, and continues to consistently aid in my daily pursuit of the best version of me. I like being able to provide for self. Not only does this allow me to do whatever I please, but it affords me the strength to extend a helping hand. The strength formed from being self-sufficient gives me the stability to be able to help support the next man who may not be as virile. This is one of the main reasons why I periodically engage in acts of altruism and good-will.

  2. My ambition has led me to various personal achievements. My past accomplishments are a direct result of my HUNGER. Furthermore, my hunger forces me to continue to seek opportunities for future improvement. I have an insatiable hunger for progress. I’m a firm NON-believer in complacency. Not just for me, but for EVERYONE. There’s always room for growth. There’s always room for betterment irrespective of an individual’s particular walk of life. Why settle for good when you can be great? Wise individuals understand that to live is to learn. We are life-long learners; however, not by choice, but by mere existence. Learning will only cease when you decease. Your job, my job, his job, her job is to exceed your own personal expectations and ALWAYS continue to grow and learn.

  3. In addition, my spiritual belief in a Higher Power plays a governing role. I feel that I was put on Earth for a definitive purpose, and I’m doing my best to fulfill that intention day-by-day. Personally, I try to make righteous decisions with others according to the will of my Supreme Being. It’s all about altruism. Selfless acts of philanthropy. Hence, my go-to phrase/name: Altruism. All True Is Him. All True Is Me…

Lastly, I have found certain experiences in my interactions with others to be humbling, yet motivating. Even though I do make a valiant effort to inspire and motivate others to maximize their potential, it’s humbling when I’m told that I’m one of their sources of inspiration. Personally, I get an abundance of personal motivation from others who express their gratitude for services that I’ve rendered at my job, Duffy & Bracken PT; and/or, for the role that I’ve played in their lives no matter how substantial. The constant cloud of humility around me makes me feel flabbergasted when someone tells me that I inspire him or her. I’ve been hearing it more often nowadays, and it still registers as a surprise every-time. Who would have thought? Little old me. Interestingly enough, I’m here to let everyone who’s reading this know that if I motivate you, trust and believe, you motivate me. You motivate me to keep pushing. It keeps my persistence in perspective. Contrary to some belief, I am human, and am sometimes clouded by numerous general deterrents. However, all I need is for someone to tell me that I’m an inspiration. Those words alone suffice for me to bounce from whatever current potential struggle(s) that may persist. I appreciate all the love that I get, and I’m always more than happy to help whomever and whenever.

“True greatness is found in serving other individuals. If you want to be considered great, take the posture of a servant.”

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The Power Of Manual Therapy

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Physical Therapists (PTs) use a number of different strategies to help restore an ailing client’s functionality. The three most popular restorative propellers are: manual techniques, modalities, and exercises. These three treatment resources are commonly combined into some fashion that aide in physical rehabilitation. As a passionate physical therapist, certain distinct things being practiced often bother me. For starters, it BLOWS my mind when a new client comes into my office for an evaluation with me, and tells me that they were treated in a previous PT facility that did little to no manual therapy. It also BLOWS my mind when referring medical doctors (MD’s) have prior conversations with patients strongly advocating the use of modalities as a major component in restoring functionality. Great… Thanks to that and their status on the hierarchy of the medical system, a nescient patient is now brain-washed into believing a passive, non-cerebral object is going to bring him/her to fame. Furthermore, I now have the pleasurable responsibility to try to convince otherwise; which, is more often than not, an impossible task. Concisely, manual therapy (hands-on treatment) is the driving force behind healing in physical rehabilitation. People who are addicted to drugs or alcohol need to be in an alcohol and drug-free environment with people who will hold them accountable for their goal of getting off drugs. You can find how much is a 28-day stay at the priory here.

Before I indulge in discussion about the preeminence of manual techniques, let’s define the term. Manual therapy can be defined as all the hands-on techniques that help reduce pain, increase mobility, increase muscle firing, increase strength, facilitate movement, increase function, decrease edema and/or reset or re-align anatomical segments. These techniques are provided by healthcare professionals in rehab such as: physical therapists, occupational therapists, chiropractors, osteopaths and the like. Manual therapy techniques include: joint mobilizations, soft tissue manipulations, deep tissue massages, rolfing, passive muscle stretching, muscle energy techniques, and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation to name a few. There are multiple reasons for the administration of manual treatment; moreover, the importance of manual work with injured patients is extensive.

For starters, it allows for an objective feel of the soft or bony tissue by the treating clinician. Clinicians can get an overall assessment of the static quality of the palpated tissues, as well as, the dynamic quantity and quality of movement. Moreover, certain manual techniques can deliver soothing sensations, which help patients feel better and puts them at ease. Most importantly, manual therapy can shorten the injured party’s convalescence by directly targeting the problematic source. Manual techniques can help a client move better, move faster, and restore proper movement mechanics by increasing a patient’s range of motion in a specific joint. For more on proper movement mechanics, check out last week’s blog titled “The Element Of Efficiency.”

On the other-hand, modalities are therapeutic agents, or machines mostly powered by electricity, that are designed to contribute to healing. These modalities include: electrical stimulation, moist heat, ice packs, ultrasound and the like. The inherent problem is that there is currently little to no scientific evidence in medical literature that advocate the rehabilitative efficacy of these said modalities.

Hands on techniques help develop a successful therapeutic relationship, which I’ll blog about on my next post. In my everyday practice, I employ hands-on techniques, and have developed great bonds with my clients. The fact of the matter is that the patient/client has to first trust you to allow you to touch them. It drives down insecurities and helps not only the physical rehabilitation process, but the never negligible mental rehabilitation process as well. Injury takes a toll on people’s body and psyche often equally. The warmness of your heart can be felt through your hands.

Bottom line: Passive modalities do NOT suffice. I know we are in the information age, and the trend is to believe that nearly all machines nowadays can take the place of humans, but this is not true for physical rehabilitation. For all patients and physical rehab clinicians out there, please know that the best way to tackle the issues head-on is hands-on.

Performing Numerous Manual Techniques Throughout Different Body Segments In My Practice

Performing Numerous Manual  Therapy Techniques Throughout Different Body Segments In My Everyday Practice

Disclaimer: These are my personal thoughts, and should never be misconstrued as biblical quotes from an imaginary medical bible. My blog posts should never take the place of what your MD advises. This is merely a personal rant that subjectively expresses my take on this topic.