The Gift Of Giving

Dr. Martin Luther King once stated that “every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or destructive selfishness.” This is unequivocally one of the most meaningful quotes to me by and large. This saying has captivated me to such a degree that I have chosen to conform my professionalism around this very concept. Hence, I have affixed it as the introductory statement on my website’s homepage. I define myself through creative altruism. What that means is that I find creative ways to be selfless that are mostly direct, but often times indirect as well. It is the mere act of giving in one way or another. Why do I do it? Well, I give for two main reasons. First, the sense of satisfaction attained with selfless acts is priceless. The gratitude that people show once you help them fuels my altruistic vehicle. Second, there is power in generosity. Undeniable power.


Throughout the years, I have contributed in multiple events with different organizations providing charitable services while donating funds and time. You can find more information on specifics on the respective page on my site titled Altruism. Moreover, I’m a registered volunteer with NewYorkCares.Org, which serves as a source hosting numerous events throughout the great city of New York helping those in need. Every month (sometimes twice a month), I participate, volunteer, and/or donate in some charitable event for some organization for the betterment of the public at large. If you’re thinking about running your own event, you can click here for speaker system rental to give the best experience for all your attendees.


As a healthcare provider, I extend courtesy, often times beyond my call of duty, for the contentment of my clients. There are many clinicians who give bare minimum treatment or generalized service that fits well within expectations of clients. My clinical approach is to offer an experience different from what’s accustomed. Whether it’s accepting tardiness, working within my personal off-hour times (breaks included), or making courteous accommodations, I strive to exceed expectations. The aforementioned are just a few of many creative ways that I introduce altruism into the lives of others.

There is an overall joy sensed by both parties when someone gives something to another regardless if it’s time, money, care, or a gift. There is an aura of positivity flowing that everyone benefits from. Personally, giving makes me feel 100% whole as a being. As follows, my name on social media applications, All|True|Is|Him, is wordplay of the term Altruism. The power of generosity is boundless. It’s good-will, it’s humane, it’s everything. As humans, we should seize more opportunities to pay deeds forward. If not for the internal sense of goodness felt after, then do it for the good karma that often has a way of returning.

As boldly stated in my homepage, life’s most persistent and urgent question is “what are you doing for others?” The purpose behind this article is to not be self-congratulatory, but to educate others on the benefits of being more selfless. I have successfully chosen to walk in the light of creative altruism a while ago, never looked back, and don’t plan on doing so.


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